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AlbeiSoft - The Business Solutions Center

Time costs money, but quality saves money

AlbeiSoft is a high-end software solutions partner for providing desktop development, web development and application maintenance for small, medium or corporate companies.

If you have a desktop application, web site or a multimedia project, AlbeiSoft will be pleased to help you reach your goals by providing the best solution for your business needs.

AlbeiSoft understand that keeping up with emerging technologies isn't always possible for many companies, which is why AlbeiSoft constantly research and develop new ways to implement the most efficient desktop applications, web sites or multimedia projects for your business.

Experience in IT Software Development for over 20 years since year 2000.

For more information see the desktop development or web development areas.

Latest or Future Projects:

  • Code Examples you'll find on AlbeiSoft Git Hub account (AlbeiSoft on GitHub) with public free code, open source code on server side (back end) and client side (front end) with diverse technologies:
    * back end (server side) with PHP (frameworks: Laravel / Lumen, Symfony, Yii, CodeIgniter, Zend / Laminas, etc.; for ORM: Doctrine, Propel), C# (C-Sharp) .NET Framework / .NET Core / .NET (frameworks: ASP.NET with MVC [Model View Controller that is a design pattern]; for web services: Web API [for creating REST API, HTTP-enabled service APIs], WCF [Windows Communication Foundation]; for ORM: Entity Framework [EF] with Code First, NHibernate, Dapper), Java (frameworks: Spring, Play, MicroNaut, Quarkus, Grails, Struts, etc.; for ORM: Hibernate), Node.js (frameworks and libraries: Express.js,, Nest.js, Fastify, Koa.js, etc.; for ORM: Sequelize, TypeORM, Prisma), Python (frameworks: Django, Flask, FastAPI, etc.; for ORM: Django ORM, Peewee, Pony), Ruby (frameworks: Ruby on Rails, etc.; for ORM: ActiveRecord, Sequel), Go (Golang), Rust, etc. - with SQL or NoSQL Databases, if need use ORM (Object Relational Mapper), etc.
    * front end (client side) with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Single Page Application (SPA) in JavaScript or TypeScript with jQuery, Angular, React (framework: Next.js), Vue.js (framework: Nuxt), etc.
    * also will include source code, scripts with:
    - Web Services (SOA - Service Oriented Architecture - an architectural style that focuses on discrete services instead of a monolithic design, service orientation is a way of thinking in terms of services and service-based development and the outcomes of services), Application Programming Interface (API - the core concept working behind the scene is CGI: Common Gateway Interface; APIs allow applications to communicate, while Web Services allow machines to communicate) - using RESTful (REpresentational State Transfer, an architectural style for defining network-based applications), SOAP, etc.
    - Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML are algorithms / models that use data to learn; ML Tools: NumPy, SciPy, TensorFlow, Pandas, PyTorch, OpenCV, etc.), Deep Learning (DL - Deep learning is a method in artificial intelligence (AI) that teaches computers to process data in a way that is inspired by the men brain; DL models can recognize complex patterns in pictures, text, sounds, and other data to produce accurate insights and predictions; DL requires large amounts of data than ML, learns on its own from environment and past mistakes - ML requires more men intervention to correct and learn, longer training and higher accuracy than ML), ML / DL Models or Architectures (Neural Network[NN], Recurrent Neural Network [RNN], Long Short-Term Memory [LSTM - is a recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture widely used in Deep Learning - DL], Convolutional Neural Network [CNN within Deep Learning, is a subset of machine learning, a type of artificial neural network, which is widely used for image/object recognition and classification], etc.), Data Analysation, Data Science;
    - Networking, DevOps (practices that combines software development [Dev] and IT operations [Ops]), Cloud (Azure [from Microsoft], Amazon Web Services [AWS], Google Cloud [GC], etc.), Cyber Security, etc.

    Projects from Good Industries with Integrity, Moral Values, Ethical, Social Responsability based on Christian Values for the Good of All Creation of God.

    In future will be put also some public free sample code from next projects:

  • RealEstateManager - Real Estate application for managing imobiliar properties for Real Estate Industry

  • TransportLog - Transport application for Transport Industry

  • NaturalVegFood - eCommerce platform, for selling plant based, natural (bio, organic, eco) and fresh food, Raw Vegan food: fruits and vegetables (also include medicinal plants for Naturopathic healing [Natural Healing, Natural Medicine, Living Medicine], and some seeds and nuts) for the health and good the world and all creation of God. - Project for Natural Food Industry

  • DentKab - Dental Cabinet management application for Dental Industry

  • Cryptoe - Contain Cryptocurrencies (BitCoin, Ethereum, etc.), Blockchain (a decentralized network), Smart Contract, Crypto Wallet, etc. all for the FinTech domain, Financial Industry (WAP - Web Application Platform, SOA like SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)

  • APB - Active Portal for Business in Romania and in the World, for Ethical and Responsible Business

  • eAuction - Online Auction that allow users to list items they wish to sell and bid on items they wish to buy

    Social Philantropic projects - Social Economics Industry

  • - Web Portal for Health and Life (Sanatate si Viata): For a Healthy Lifestyle and a Happy Life
    [ The site also include information about how: ALL "Diseases", Conditions - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Soul (Spiritual) - can be CURED with a Healthy Lifestyle ]
    True health is not the absence of disease.
    True health means emotional, physical, mental and spiritual (psychical, spiritual) well-being.
    You will know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (finished in 2010 - update in 2023)

  • - Sport and Healthy Life web portal (finished in Jun 2015 - update in 2019)

  • - A well known Endocrinologist and Nutritionist Doctor in Romania and also outside Romania (finished in Mar. 2011 - update in Jun 2019)

  • - Christian Orthodox Portal (finished in Sep 2010 - update in 2022)

  • - Is a shorther version of only in English from Romanian Pro-Vita (Pro Life) and Global Pro-Life movement (finished in 2009 - update in 2023)

  • - Truth About Abortion (Adevarul despre Avort) is an Pro Life (Pro Vita - Pentru Viata: Life begins at conception.) web portal about: What is NOT said about: abortion (killing unborn baby), anticonception, contraceptives, Intra Uterine Device (IUD), RU 486 (Mifepristone), early abortion (in first 14 days from conception), menstrual abortion, hormonal abortion, medical abortion, Post-Abortion Syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, condoms, spermicides, in vitro fertilization - IVF, how the unborn child develops (between conception till birth), embryonic, fetal development, etc. Medical studies, videos, testimonials, etc. (finished in 2008 - update in 2023)

AlbeiSoft work (help) only for Good Industries a few of good industries are listed above (previously).

AlbeiSoft will NOT work (help) for industries that are destructive, criminal, antichrist industries, industries without Christian values like a few of those not so known are below:
  • pharmaceutical (big pharma - pharmakea from Greek is sorcery, and pharmaki is poison, see ingredients of any product from alopathic, homeopathic products 98-100% are toxic, are poisons to the body and soul, because what you put in your body also affects the soul also - psychosomatic balance: psyche is the soul, some is the body)
    - pharmaceutical industry promote also: abortion (killing unborn baby - Life begins in the moment of conception.), libertinism, pornography (direct and indirect with masked prostitution), homosexuality (sodomites, LGBTQ+) and other destructive, criminal, antichrist activities;
  • alimentary industry (all animal products, processed plant based food, etc.);
  • fashion (because undresses girls and women more than it dresses them by using pants, tight blouses, with decolletage - decolletage should be only to enter the head in the blouse, short skirts or dresses that are not large and long till ground, not transparent, without cuts, not to be tight on the body, because should cover all body forms of girls and women as is normal for Christian girls and women), cosmetics - without painted hair, face, nails -, jewelry, perfume, etc. so all this is pornography - masked prostitution, with soft pornography - to atract boys and men to whore with them, to have sexual relationship in their minds and that is as doing phisical sexual relationship as we know from Christ in Holy Evanghelic, in New Testament at Matthew chapter 5 verse 28, because the external appearance of girls and women should be, as Christians in deeds not only in words, as we see on the Holly Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator and Savior the One Holy True and Living God in Holy Trinity and as we see on the external appearance of Holy Women in the Holy Orthodox Icons in the One Holy Universal and Apostolic Church of Christ, in the one Right Faith Church, the OrthoDox Church);
  • tourism (especially area of going to seaside, beach that is pornographic manifestation - masked prostitution like fashion, but this manifestation is more clear in panties and bras that is pornography, masked prostitution than fashion);
  • computer games and betting;
  • telecomunication (mobile phones, wireless technologies especially 5G technology that is a combination of many criminal technologies, so 5G is worse than previews Generations 1-4G - all types of artificial electomagnetic radiation are dangereus for the health of soul and body);
  • military (so called "defense" of peace, "war for peace", but they don't use non lethal weapons, technologies exist for many years for non lethal weapons, weapons that don't kill persons, only used for temporary immobilization of persons);

More details, proofs, facts about destructive, bad, criminal, without christian values, antichrist industries on: - Sanatate si Viata (Health and Life)

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